
Membership is open to any Muslim professional who:

  • holds a tertiary (NQF Level 6 or higher) qualification; and
  • is committed to the aims and objectives set out in this document and the founding values and principles of the Association.

Any Muslim professional eligible for membership of the Association may make written application for membership by way of electronic mail to be submitted to The application should inter alia contain the following particulars:

  • full names of applicant as per identity document
  • salient details of professional practice of applicant
  • applicant’s professional qualifications
  • copy of applicant’s identity document.

Founding Membership

The founding members of the Association, classified in accordance with their respective professional disciplines, are the following:

Adv Aslam Motala SCAdv Mohammed Ashraf Chohan SC
Adv FerozeBoda SCAdv. Mufti EmraanVawda
Attorney Yusuf Dockrat Attorney Abdul Rahim Kazi
Prof. Abdullah Laher  Prof. Zeyn Mahomed
Dr Muhammad KarodiaDr Reza Latib
Dr Muhammed LaherDr Muhammed Moolla
Mohammed Mahomedy CA(SA)   Mohammed Kaka CA(SA)
Mohammed Ravat CA(SA)   Imran Patel CA(SA)
Moulana Abdul Azeem Khan CA(SA)Hafez Naeem Paruk CA(SA)
Hafez Junaid Salejee CA(SA)
Zaid Mahomed    Mohammed Daya
Mohammed Moolla   
Moosa Karodia (Pr.Eng.)  Ebrahim Vawda (Pr.Eng.)
Mohamed Parak (Pr.Eng.)Mehmood Seedat (Pr.Eng.)
Farhaad Adam (Pr.Eng.)

May Allah ﷻguide all endeavours for the preservation of His Pristine Shar’iah and Dīn and May He imbue all those pursuing such endeavour with sincerity of purpose and true understanding!

Electronically submitted on behalf of AMPSA Shura